Astigmatism Correction

How to Correct Astigmatism

Astigmatism Correction

Astigmatism, a common eye problem prevailing in today’s world, blurs your vision due to irregular cornea or lens shape. Resulting in discomfort, headaches, and overall visual distortion, astigmatism demands understanding for effective correction. Read further to discover the ins and outs of astigmatism and methods of correction. 

What complications can arise due to long-standing astigmatism?

If left untreated, astigmatism can cause serious complications in the long run, making it difficult to carry out daily routine tasks. Following are the most common complications of prolonged astigmatism:

1. Vision Impairment:

Long-standing astigmatism, if left untreated, can result in progressively worsening vision. The irregular curvature of the cornea or lens causes light entering the eye to focus unevenly, leading to distorted images. As a result, individuals may experience difficulties in activities such as reading, driving, or recognizing faces.

2. Eye Strain and Discomfort:

Prolonged astigmatism can contribute to eye strain, headaches, and discomfort. The constant effort of the eye muscles to compensate for the irregularities in focus can lead to fatigue and tension. This strain may also cause symptoms like headaches and difficulty concentrating, impacting overall quality of life.

3. Reduced Night Vision:

Individuals with long-standing astigmatism may notice a decline in night vision. The irregularities in the cornea or lens can cause increased sensitivity to glare and halos around lights, making nighttime activities more challenging and potentially hazardous.

4. Decreased Depth Perception:

Astigmatism can affect depth perception, making it more challenging to judge distances accurately. This can impact activities that require precise depth perception, such as sports, driving, or navigating stairs, leading to an increased risk of accidents or injuries.

5. Lazy Eye (Amblyopia):

In some cases, untreated astigmatism in childhood can lead to amblyopia or lazy eye. The brain may favor one eye over the other, causing the neglected eye to develop weaker vision. Timely correction and regular eye check-ups are crucial to prevent amblyopia.

6. Strabismus (Crossed Eyes):

Persistent astigmatism, especially when present from a young age, may contribute to the development of strabismus or crossed eyes. The misalignment of the eyes can impact binocular vision and depth perception, potentially affecting overall visual function.

7. Increased Risk of Eye Diseases:

Long-term astigmatism may be associated with a higher risk of developing other eye conditions such as keratoconus or corneal scarring. Regular eye examinations are essential to detect and manage these conditions early on.

Treatment for Astigmatism: How to Correct Astigmatism

Let’s delve into the doctor approved ways on how to fix astigmatism. Nowadays, there are several different astigmatism treatments. Which is best for you is decided by your eye doctor depending upon several 

Non-surgical astigmatism treatments

Prescription eyeglasses:

The most common and non-invasive method for correcting astigmatism is through prescription eyeglasses. Specially designed lenses compensate for the irregular shape of the cornea or lens, providing clear vision and reducing the impact of astigmatism on daily activities.

Contact lenses:

Contact lenses offer an alternative to glasses and come in various types, including toric lenses specifically designed for astigmatism. Contacts provide a more natural field of vision and are suitable for those seeking an active lifestyle without the hindrance of glasses.

Orthokeratology (Ortho-K):

Ortho-K involves using specially designed gas-permeable contact lenses overnight to reshape the cornea temporarily. This non-surgical method can provide clear vision during the day without the need for glasses or lenses.

Surgical treatments for astigmatism

If you have been pondering how to cure astigmatism permanently?” surgical treatment for astigmatism is a reliable approach as approved by your doctor. 

LASIK (Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis):

LASIK Surgery is a widely adopted surgical procedure that employs laser technology to reshape the cornea, rectifying its irregularities. The result is improved vision without the need for corrective lenses. Known for its quick recovery time and high success rates, LASIK remains a popular choice for astigmatism correction.

PRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy):

PRK Surgery is another laser-based surgery that reshapes the cornea, addressing astigmatism. Unlike LASIK, PRK does not involve creating a corneal flap, making it suitable for patients with thinner corneas. Although the recovery period is longer, PRK is a viable option for those who may not be candidates for LASIK.

AK (Astigmatic Keratotomy):

Astigmatic Keratotomy involves creating incisions in the cornea to alter its shape and correct astigmatism. This surgical procedure is particularly beneficial for individuals with corneal irregularities contributing to their astigmatism. While less common, AK can be an effective solution in specific cases.

ICL (Implantable Collamer Lenses):

ICL is a surgical option where a prescription lens is implanted inside the eye to correct astigmatism. This reversible procedure is particularly suitable for patients with higher degrees of astigmatism or those ineligible for laser surgery. ICL Surgery does not alter the corneal structure, making it a unique and viable alternative.

How do eyeglasses correct astigmatism?

Refractive Surgery:

LASIK: LASIK stands out as a popular surgical procedure using laser technology to reshape the cornea and correct astigmatism. Known for its rapid recovery, LASIK often results in reduced or eliminated dependence on glasses or contact lenses.

PRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy):

PRK, similar to LASIK, reshapes the cornea’s surface using a laser. This surgery is suitable for individuals with thinner corneas, offering an alternative approach to astigmatism correction.

Phakic Intraocular Lens (IOL) Implantation:

Phakic IOLs are implanted in front of the natural lens, providing a lasting correction for astigmatism. This surgical option is often considered for those with higher astigmatism levels or those not suitable for laser procedures.

Contact lenses to astigmatism correction

For those with astigmatism seeking a hassle-free and effective solution, toric contact lenses are designed to address the unique curvature issues associated with this common vision condition. Available in various types, including soft and rigid gas permeable options, toric lenses ensure a precise fit for optimal correction. These lenses offer a convenient and discreet alternative to eyeglasses, providing clear and crisp vision. Regular eye check-ups are essential to guarantee the accurate prescription and fit of toric lenses, optimizing their performance. Choose toric contact lenses for a comfortable, non-surgical approach to astigmatism correction, enhancing visual clarity and eye health with ease.

Orthokeratology to correct astigmatism

Orthokeratology, or Ortho-K, presents a revolutionary non-surgical fix for astigmatism. Using specially crafted rigid gas permeable lenses, this method reshapes the cornea overnight, granting clear vision throughout the day without the need for glasses. Ideal for mild to moderate astigmatism, Ortho-K offers a reversible and temporary solution. This hassle-free approach is gaining traction for its comfort and convenience, providing an excellent alternative for those looking to liberate themselves from daytime eyewear. Routine consultations with an eye care expert are vital to track Ortho-K’s effectiveness and ensure proper lens fitting. As a sleek and SEO-optimized choice for astigmatism correction, Orthokeratology promises improved vision without going under the knife.

Post-operative care for astigmatism surgery

Adhere to Medication Regimen:

Follow your prescribed medication schedule diligently, including any eye drops, to manage pain and prevent infection.

Protective Measures:

Wear sunglasses during the day and use a protective eye shield at night to shield your eyes from bright light and potential irritants.

Prioritize Rest:

Allow your eyes ample rest for optimal healing. Avoid strenuous activities and prioritize a good night’s sleep during the initial recovery period.

Attend Follow-ups:

Attend all scheduled follow-up appointments with your eye surgeon for crucial progress monitoring and immediate issue resolution.

Screen Time Reduction:

Minimize screen time to alleviate eye strain. Limit exposure to computers and devices to support a smooth recovery.

Hydrate and Eat Nutrient-Rich Foods:

Maintain hydration and consume a balanced diet rich in vitamins and nutrients to support overall eye health and post-surgery recovery. Here are the best foods to improve eye sight .

Hands Off:

Resist the urge to touch or rub your eyes to avoid disrupting the healing process and reduce infection risks.

Gradual Resumption of Activities:

Gradually reintegrate into your routine, following your surgeon’s recommendations. Resume activities like driving only upon approval.

Alert for Unusual Symptoms:

Keep a vigilant eye on any changes in vision or unusual symptoms. Report increased pain, redness, or vision changes promptly to your surgeon.

Stay Informed and Compliant:

Stay informed about specific post-operative care instructions provided by your surgeon. Complying with these guidelines is essential for a smooth recovery and optimal outcomes.

Can astigmatism change over time, and how is it monitored?

Yes, astigmatism can change over time due to factors like aging and lifestyle. The stages range from mild to severe based on the extent of irregular curvature in the cornea or lens. Monitoring is crucial, and regular eye exams by optometrists or ophthalmologists assess astigmatism levels. These exams help determine updated prescriptions, ensuring timely adjustments to corrective lenses. By staying vigilant through routine eye check-ups, individuals can proactively manage changes in astigmatism, maintaining optimal vision and eye health.


How does astigmatism affect vision?

Astigmatism, stemming from an uneven cornea or lens shape, hampers clear vision by causing light to scatter unevenly. This common refractive error can be corrected with eyeglasses, contact lenses, or refractive surgery.

What sets PLANET LASIK apart in astigmatism correction?

PLANET LASIK stands out in astigmatism correction through cutting-edge technology and a team of skilled surgeons. Our tailored treatment approaches ensure effective and precise correction, delivering superior results for individuals seeking optimal vision enhancement.

Is astigmatism correction a one-size-fits-all procedure?

No, astigmatism correction is not a one-size-fits-all procedure. The treatment approach varies based on factors like corneal shape and prescription strength. PLANET LASIK customizes each procedure to the unique characteristics of the individual’s astigmatism, ensuring precise and effective vision correction.

What technologies does PLANET LASIK use for astigmatism correction?

At Planet Lasik, you will find a range of methods, surgical and non-surgical, used to correct Astigmatism. While, non-surgical methods include glasses and contact lenses, on the other hand, surgical methods include refractive surgeries like LASIK, PRK, and ICL.  

Can I expect immediate results after astigmatism correction?

Yes, immediate results are common after astigmatism correction. While individual experiences may vary, many patients notice improved vision shortly after the procedure. Your recovery and visual refinement will be closely monitored by PLANET LASIK’s expert team to ensure the best possible outcome.

What precautions should I take before astigmatism correction surgery?

Before astigmatism correction surgery, take precautions such as discontinuing contact lens use per your surgeon’s guidance, informing them about medications or eye conditions, and arranging for transportation on the surgery day. PLANET LASIK provides comprehensive pre-operative instructions to ensure a safe and successful procedure.

How long is the recovery period after astigmatism correction?

Recovery after astigmatism correction varies, with many patients experiencing improved vision within 24 hours. While individual healing times differ, PLANET LASIK advises following post-operative instructions for a few days to weeks to ensure a smooth recovery and achieve the best visual outcome.

Can children have astigmatism, and how is it treated in young individuals?

Yes, children can develop astigmatism, often identified through routine eye exams. Treatment typically involves prescription glasses or contact lenses, depending on the extent of astigmatism. PLANET LASIK’s specialists offer personalized assessments and recommend the most suitable options for managing astigmatism in young individuals.

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