ICL surgery, or Implantable Collamer Lens surgery, is a vision correction procedure designed to treat nearsightedness (myopia). During the surgery, a thin, prescription lens is implanted into the eye to correct refractive errors, reducing or eliminating the need for glasses or contact lenses. ICL surgery is considered a safe and effective option for individuals seeking long-term vision improvement.


ICL surgery offers a clear path to visual improvement by placing a specialized lens inside your eye, addressing a wide range of refractive errors including myopia. It also includes advanced options like toric ICL surgery for astigmatism correction, as well as solutions for conditions like keratoconus, such as keratoconus implantable contact lens. In ICL implantation surgery, a skillful touch is essential. The surgeon creates a tiny incision, gently inserting the foldable lens, which works in harmony with your eye’s natural structures. This lens, composed of biocompatible Collamer material, delivers enhanced vision clarity without altering the cornea’s shape. Imagine it as upgrading your eye’s lens with high-tech precision.

Unlike traditional approaches, ICL implantation surgery is reversible and requires no removal of corneal tissue. This sets the stage for quicker recovery and less discomfort. While the procedure itself is relatively swift, the lasting effects are what truly matter – improved vision quality and reduced dependency on glasses or contact lenses.

At Planet LASIK, we’re committed to grounding our insights in reality. ICL implantation surgery isn’t magic, but it is a scientifically-proven method to upgrade your view of the world. Our experienced team walks you through each step, ensuring you understand the process and potential outcomes.

Benefits of ICL

Let’s explore the pragmatic advantages of ICL (Implantable Collamer Lens) surgery, a modern solution for achieving clear and unaided vision. In simpler terms, it can also be understood as implantable contact lens surgery. Implantable collamer lens surgery enables your visual freedom. Imagine a life where you can wake up to a world of sharp clarity without the need for glasses or contacts. This innovative procedure involves placing a specialized collamer lens inside your eye, gently correcting your vision while maintaining the natural shape of your cornea. A significant advantage of ICL surgery lies in its versatility. Regardless of whether you’re managing nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism, this procedure accommodates a broad spectrum of refractive errors. This adaptability opens the door for a larger number of people to enjoy the benefits of improved vision. 

Implantable collamer lens surgery is well known for its minimally invasive approach. Unlike other options, this treatment preserves the integrity of your cornea, leading to quicker recovery and reduced discomfort. This procedure is swift, the lasting impact it has on your daily life is what truly matters – a life free from the hassle of corrective eyewear. ICL surgery is a reliable and proven method to upgrade your vision quality. Our experienced team guides you through every step, ensuring you’re informed and comfortable throughout the process. Are you ready to step into a world where clear vision is your new normal? ICL surgery might be the transformative journey you’ve been seeking. Reach out to us and take the first step towards embracing life with better visual acuity. At Planet LASIK, we’re here to help you see the world with newfound clarity, one procedure at a time.



Before scheduling your ICL, your specialist will run a series of standard tests to assess the particular characteristics of your eye for the procedure.

Once it is determined that ICL is a good option for you, they will educate you on the process and what to expect both during and after the procedure.

When you come for your procedure, your specialist will use eye drops to dilate and anaesthetise your pupils.


To prepare for the implant, a small incision is prepared at the base of your cornea into which the lens will be inserted.

The ICL is then folded and put into the small incision made by the specialist.

Following that, the specialist will make any required modifications to ensure proper alignment in the eye.


You will be prescribed eye drops to aid the healing following the treatment.

You’ll need someone to drive you home.

When the procedure is over, you will instantly notice an improvement in the quality of your eyesight.

NOTE: Do not rub your eyes, especially for the first 3-5 days. If you experience pain or notice any sudden decrease in vision, contact your specialist without delay. A few routine eye checkups will be done to ensure everything is perfect.


Are you eligible for ICL? Let’s find out!

You can opt for ICL if you:

  • Are between 21 and 35 years of age
  • Have not had a change in prescription of more than 0.5D in a year
  • Face problem in reading with mild to severe Myopia (-0.5D to -20D) (You will know that through tests at the centre)
  • Face problem in seeing objects at a distance with mild to severe Hyperopia (+0.5D to +10.0D)(You will know that through tests at the centre)
  • Have astigmatism between 0.5 and 6.0 D (You will know that through tests at the centre)
  • Are meeting the minimum endothelial cell density for your age at the time of implantation as determined by our specialists

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Which eye problems can be treated with ICL?

ICL can be an ideal treatment for myopia (short-sightedness) (-0.5D to -20D) & astigmatism (blurred vision). It is especially recommended if you have thin corneas.

Does the ICL wears out or needs replacement?

No, the ICLs never wear out. They do not need to be removed as they act in conjunction with your eyes’ natural lenses to improve your vision. However, the ICL can be removed to meet the future demands of a changed vision or to keep up with the evolving technology.

Does the ICL procedure hurt?

ICL is a quick, painless, same-day procedure to help you achieve better vision. The specialist uses eye drops to dilate & anaesthetize your pupil before the procedure so that you don’t feel any pain. It usually takes just 15 to 20 minutes to get the procedure done.

Is ICL Safe?

ICL is considered to be an absolutely safe procedure & it is self-contained and maintenance-free. The risks associated with ICL are minimal as this procedure does not change the eye’s shape or structural integrity.

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