What Is Femto LASIK Eye Surgery?

Femto LASIK procedure is a type of laser eye surgery that is used to correct vision problems like myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), and astigmatism. It involves the use of a femtosecond laser to create a thin flap in the cornea. This flap is then lifted, and the underlying cornea is reshaped using an excimer laser. Once the cornea has been reshaped, the flap is repositioned, allowing the eye to heal and regain clear vision.

Femto LASIK surgery is a popular choice for vision correction because it offers several advantages over traditional LASIK surgery. It is a more precise and customizable procedure, allowing for better outcomes and reduced risk of complications. Additionally, the use of a femtosecond laser to create the corneal flap eliminates the need for a microkeratome blade, further enhancing the safety and accuracy of the procedure.

Why Is Femto LASIK Eye Surgery Done?

Femto LASIK eye surgery is done to correct various vision problems, including nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. It is an effective treatment option for individuals who want to reduce their dependence on glasses or contact lenses. Femto LASIK surgery is also recommended for individuals who have thin corneas, as it allows for a more precise and controlled removal of corneal tissue. Additionally, Femto LASIK operation can be used to correct vision problems that may not be suitable for other types of laser eye surgery.

Femto LASIK Procedure

The Femto LASIK procedure typically begins with the application of numbing eye drops to ensure a comfortable experience for the patient. The surgeon then uses a femtosecond laser to create a thin corneal flap, which is gently lifted to expose the underlying cornea.

Once the cornea is exposed, an excimer laser is used to reshape the cornea based on the patient’s specific prescription. The laser removes a precise amount of corneal tissue, allowing for the correction of nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism.

After the cornea has been reshaped, the surgeon carefully repositions the corneal flap, which adheres naturally without the need for stitches. The entire procedure typically takes less than 20 minutes per eye, and patients can usually return home shortly after.

Advantages of Femto LASIK Eye Surgery

  • First and foremost, Femto LASIK operation offers a high level of precision and accuracy. The use of a femtosecond laser allows for a more controlled and customizable procedure, resulting in better visual outcomes.
  • Femto LASIK surgery also has a faster recovery time compared to traditional LASIK surgery. The corneal flap created by the femtosecond laser heals quickly and securely, reducing the risk of complications and promoting faster visual improvement.
  • Another advantage of Femto LASIK eye surgery is its ability to treat a wider range of vision problems. It can effectively correct nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism, making it a versatile solution for many individuals.
  • Furthermore, the use of a femtosecond laser eliminates the need for a microkeratome blade, which reduces the risk of complications and enhances the safety of the procedure.

Risks and Side Effects of Femto LASIK

  • Like any surgical procedure, Femto LASIK eye surgery carries some risks and potential side effects. These may include dry eyes, glare, halos, and difficulty with night vision. However, these side effects are usually temporary and subside within a few weeks or months. 
  • In rare cases, more serious complications may occur, such as infection, corneal flap complications, or vision loss. It is important to discuss these risks with your surgeon and ensure that you are a suitable candidate for the procedure.
  • Undercorrection or overcorrection of vision is another potential complication. In some cases, additional enhancement procedures may be necessary to fine-tune the results and achieve optimal vision correction.
  • Dry eyes are a common side effect of Femto LASIK operation, but they usually improve over time. Using lubricating eye drops as recommended by your surgeon can help alleviate any discomfort.

Femto LASIK versus Blade Flap Surgery

Femto LASIK eye surgery and blade flap surgery are two different techniques used to create the corneal flap in LASIK surgery. While both procedures are effective, Femto LASIK procedure offers several advantages over blade flap surgery.

One of the main advantages of Femto LASIK surgery is its increased precision and accuracy. The use of a femtosecond laser allows for a more controlled and customizable flap creation process, resulting in better visual outcomes.

Additionally, Femto LASIK eye surgery eliminates the need for a microkeratome blade, reducing the risk of complications such as corneal irregularities or incomplete flap creation.

Furthermore, Femto LASIK procedure has a faster recovery time compared to blade flap surgery. The corneal flap created by the femtosecond laser heals quickly and securely, allowing for faster visual improvement and reducing the risk of flap-related complications.

Overall, Femto LASIK operation offers superior safety, precision, and outcomes compared to blade flap surgery, making it a preferred choice for many individuals seeking vision correction.

Eligibility Criteria for Femto LASIK Eye Surgery

The suitability of the procedure depends on several factors, including the individual’s age, overall eye health, and specific vision prescription.

  • Candidates for Femto laser eye surgery should generally be at least 18 years old and have stable vision for at least one year. 
  • They should also have healthy corneas and no underlying eye diseases or conditions that could affect the healing process.
  • Additionally, individuals with certain medical conditions, such as autoimmune disorders or uncontrolled diabetes, may not be suitable candidates for Femto LASIK eye surgery. 
  • Individuals with extreme nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism may require alternative treatment options.

Femto LASIK vs SMILE and PRK

Femto LASIK eye surgery is a more established procedure that offers a high level of precision and accuracy. It is suitable for individuals with a wide range of vision problems and provides fast visual recovery.

SMILE (Small Incision Lenticule Extraction) / SILK (Smooth Incision Lenticule Keratomileusis) are among the latest procedures that involves the use of a femtosecond laser to create a small lenticule within the cornea, which is then removed to correct vision. SMILE/SILK are a minimally invasive procedure that preserves more corneal tissue, making it potentially suitable for individuals with thin corneas.

PRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy) is another type of laser eye surgery that does not involve creating a corneal flap. Instead, the outer layer of the cornea is gently removed before the cornea is reshaped using an excimer laser. PRK is suitable for individuals with thin corneas or those who may not be suitable candidates for LASIK.

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Foods To Eat & Avoid After Femto Surgery

  • It is generally recommended to avoid spicy or greasy foods immediately after surgery, as they may cause discomfort or irritation. 
  • It is also important to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water.
  • Foods rich in vitamins and minerals, such as fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins, can support the healing process and overall eye health. 
  • Citrus fruits, leafy greens, and fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids are particularly beneficial for eye health.
  • Avoiding alcohol and tobacco products is also important during the recovery period, as they can interfere with the healing process.

Read more about the best foods for eyesight.

Cost of Femto LASIK

The cost of Femto LASIK (Femtosecond Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis) surgery can vary depending on several factors such as the geographical location of the clinic, the experience of the surgeon, the technology used, and any additional services included in the package. At Planet Lasik. It starts at an affordable cost of 40,000 per eye only.


What is a Femto LASIK eye surgery?

Femto laser eye surgery eye surgery uses a femtosecond laser to create a thin flap in the cornea before reshaping it with an excimer laser to correct vision.

Does Femto LASIK Operation hurt?

Femto LASIK surgery is typically painless due to numbing eye drops used during the procedure, but some patients may experience minor discomfort or pressure.

What's so special about Femto LASIK?

Femto LASIK eye surgery offers greater precision and customization compared to traditional LASIK, potentially leading to better visual outcomes and reduced risk of complications.

Is Femto LASIK better than LASIK?

The choice between Femto LASIK surgery and LASIK depends on individual factors and preferences, with Femto laser eye surgery often preferred for its precision and potential advantages.

What to keep in mind after the Femto LASIK procedure?

After Femto laser treatment for eyes, follow post-operative care instructions provided by your surgeon, including using prescribed eye drops and avoiding strenuous activities.

Is Femto LASIK safe?

Femto LASIK procedure is considered safe, with a low risk of complications when performed by a skilled surgeon and with appropriate pre-operative screening

Which is better, LASIK or Femto LASIK?

Femto LASIK may offer advantages over traditional LASIK in terms of precision and customization, but the suitability depends on individual factors and preferences.

How long does Femto LASIK last?

Femto laser treatment for eyes results can be long-lasting, with many patients experiencing stable vision correction for years after the procedure.

What is LASIK Femto?

LASIK Femto is another term for Femto laser treatment for eyes, which refers to the use of a femtosecond laser in the LASIK procedure.

Cost of Femto Lasik in India?

At Planet Lasik, it starts at an affordable cost of 80,000 per eye only. But can vary depending on several factors such as the geographical location of the clinic, the experience of the surgeon, the technology used, and any additional services

What refractive errors can Femto Lasik correct?

Femto laser treatment for eyes can correct refractive errors such as myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), and astigmatism.

When can I expect to see improvements in my vision after Femto Lasik?

Improvement in vision after Femto LASIK eye surgery can be noticeable within hours to days, with optimal results typically achieved within a few weeks.

What are the potential risks and complications associated with Femto Lasik?

Potential risks and complications associated with Femto LASIK eye surgery include dry eye, glare, halos, infection, and undercorrection or overcorrection, though these are rare when performed by an experienced surgeon.

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