Understanding PRK Eye Surgery

PRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy) is a type of refractive surgery that corrects vision problems by reshaping the cornea. During the PRK procedure, the outer layer of the cornea is removed, and an excimer laser is used to reshape the underlying corneal tissue. This procedure is typically recommended for individuals with nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism.


Who Should Get PRK Surgery?

  • Photorefractive keratectomy eye surgery is suitable for individuals who are not eligible for LASIK or other refractive surgeries. 
  • It is often recommended for patients with thin corneas, large pupils, or dry eyes. 
  • Individuals who have had previous eye surgery or eye injuries may also be good candidates for PRK.

It is essential to consult with an experienced eye surgeon to determine if PRK is the right option for you.


PRK Eye Surgery Procedure

The PRK procedure involves several steps:

  1. Anesthetic eye drops are applied to numb the eye and minimize discomfort.
  2. The surgeon removes the thin outer layer of the cornea, known as the epithelium.
  3. An excimer laser is used to reshape the cornea by removing tiny amounts of tissue.
  4. A protective contact lens is placed on the eye to aid in healing.

The entire procedure usually takes about 10-15 minutes per eye, and both eyes can be treated on the same day.


Dos and Don’ts Post PRK Eye Surgery

After the PRK procedure, it is important to follow the post-operative instructions provided by your surgeon. Here are some common dos and don’ts:


  • Use prescribed eye drops as directed to prevent infection and promote healing.
  • Wear protective eyewear, such as sunglasses, to shield your eyes from sunlight and dust.
  • Take prescribed medications as instructed.


  • Rub or touch your eyes, as this can interfere with the healing process.
  • Engage in activities that may expose your eyes to excessive dust, dirt, or chemicals.
  • Swim in pools, hot tubs, or other bodies of water until your surgeon gives you the green light.


Advantages of PRK Eye Surgery

  • It can correct a wide range of vision problems, including nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism.
  • It is a suitable option for individuals with thin corneas, large pupils, or dry eyes.
  • PRK is a safer alternative for patients with occupations or hobbies that may increase the risk of corneal flap dislocation.
  • The results of PRK are comparable to LASIK, with high success rates and long-term stability.

Discussing the potential advantages of PRK procedure with your surgeon can help you make an informed decision.


Eye Issues Corrected by PRK Eye Surgery

PRK laser surgery can effectively correct various vision issues by reshaping the cornea, improving the visual acuity and reducing the dependence on glasses or contact lenses for individuals suffering from:



PRK and LASIK are both laser eye surgeries that can correct vision problems, but they differ in the technique used.

While photorefractive keratectomy eye surgery involves removing the outer layer of the cornea, LASIK takes a different approach by creating a corneal flap. This distinction in technique makes PRK a preferred choice for individuals with thin corneas, as the procedure does not involve creating a flap that could potentially compromise the cornea’s thickness. On the other hand, LASIK is more suitable for those with thicker corneas, as the creation of a flap allows for the reshaping of the underlying corneal tissue.

Additionally, the recovery time for photorefractive keratectomy eye surgery is typically longer than LASIK due to the nature of the procedure. The healing process in PRK involves the regeneration of the epithelium, which can take some time for the eyes to fully adjust and for vision to stabilize. 

Consulting our eye surgeon can help determine which procedure is best suited for your specific needs.


Eligibility Criteria for PRK Eye Surgery

To be eligible for PRK laser surgery, certain criteria must be met, including:

Age: You must age 18 or above.

Eye Power Range: Your glass prescription must be less than 5D of hyperopia, -8D of Myopia and 4D of Astigmatism.

Stable vision prescription: Your vision prescription should not have changed significantly in the past year.

Healthy eyes: You should not have any underlying eye conditions or diseases that may affect the surgery’s outcomes.

Pregnancy: You must not be pregnant, lactating, or on birth control.


What Is the Recovery Time of PRK Eye Surgery

The recovery time after PRK procedure varies for each individual, but most people experience the following timeline:

First few days: You may experience discomfort, light sensitivity, and blurry vision.

First week: The epithelium regenerates, and vision gradually improves.

First month: Visual acuity continues to improve, but fluctuations may occur.

Three to six months: Vision stabilizes, and most patients achieve their desired outcome.


Risks and Side Effects of PRK Eye Surgery

Possible risks and side effects of photorefractive keratectomy eye surgery include:

Dry eyes: Some patients may experience dry eyes following PRK surgery as the eyes may take some time to adjust to the changes in the cornea. This can usually be managed with prescribed eye drops and proper hydration.

Glare or halos around lights: It is common for patients to experience glare or halos around lights, especially at night, during the initial stages of recovery. This usually resolves as the eyes heal and adjust to the new corneal shape.

Sensitivity to light: Sensitivity to light, known as photophobia, is another common side effect after photorefractive keratectomy eye surgery. Wearing sunglasses and avoiding bright lights can help alleviate this symptom during the healing process.

Undercorrection or overcorrection of vision: There is a possibility of undercorrection or overcorrection in some cases. Your surgeon will monitor your progress closely and may recommend enhancements if needed.

Infection or inflammation: It is important to follow post-operative care instructions, including using prescribed eye drops and attending follow-up appointments to monitor for any signs of infection or inflammation.

Understanding and being aware of these potential risks and side effects is crucial for individuals considering PRK surgery. It is crucial to discuss these potential risks with your surgeon and address any concerns before proceeding with the surgery.


PRK Eye Surgery Cost

The cost of PRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy) eye surgery can vary depending on various factors such as the location of the clinic, the experience of the surgeon, the technology used, and any additional services or post-operative care included. At Planet Lasik, it starts at an affordable cost of 25,OOO per eye only.


Is PRK better than LASIK?

Both PRK and LASIK have their advantages and suitability depends on individual factors. Consult with our eye care professional to determine which is best for you.

What is PRK eye surgery?

PRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy) is a type of laser eye surgery used to correct vision problems by reshaping the cornea.

Is PRK surgery permanent?

PRK procedure provides long-term correction, but individual results may vary. Some patients may experience regression over time and require reading glasses only.

Is PRK laser eye surgery painful?

Discomfort during photorefractive keratectomy eye surgery is managed with anesthesia, and discomfort afterward can be managed with medication. Pain levels vary among individuals.

How long does PRK eye surgery last?

PRK procedure typically takes around 10-15 minutes per eye, but the entire process, including preparation and recovery, may take a few hours.

How does PRK eye surgery differ from LASIK?

PRK involves removing the outer layer of the cornea before reshaping, while LASIK involves creating a flap. Recovery time and risks may differ between them.

Who is a suitable candidate for PRK eye surgery?

Suitable candidates for PRK procedure are typically individuals with stable vision prescriptions, good overall eye health, and age above 18 years.

What refractive errors can PRK eye surgery correct?

PRK can correct myopia, farsightedness, and astigmatism.

How long is the recovery period after PRK eye surgery?

Recovery from PRK surgery can take several days to weeks, during which vision gradually improves. Full stabilization may take a couple of months.

Are there any risks associated with PRK surgery?

Risks of PRK surgery include infection, overcorrection or undercorrection, and dry eyes, among others. Discuss potential risks with your eye care provider.

Who are good candidates for PRK eye surgery?

Good candidates for PRK are typically adults with stable vision prescriptions, healthy eyes, and realistic expectations.

Is PRK safe?

PRK is generally considered safe, but like any surgical procedure, it carries some risks. Discuss potential risks and benefits with your eye care provider.

Can I have PRK on both eyes?

Yes, photorefractive keratectomy eye surgery can be performed on both eyes, typically during the same session or during separate sessions based on the recommendation of the surgeon.


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